4 basic essentials for your bones

Sunshine and Bone Health

For some strange reason, without sunlight our bones don’t do too well! This is why getting out in the sun everyday is crucial for maintaining good bone health. Of course, you can take Vitamin D supplements to compensate for a lack of sunshine, but ideally, you will want to be outside when ever you can soaking up a bit of sunshine.

Vitamins and Minerals

Bones are constantly breaking down and building up. This is because bones are living tissues that need food. One of the purposes in the life of bone is as a storehouse for the essential minerals your body needs to function everyday. The inner workings of our bones is a fascinating process that Osteonaut.com will dive into in more detail.

Use It Or Lose it

It may sound like an old cliche, but when it comes to bone density this old saying couldn’t be any more true! Bone needs physical weight bearing exercise in order to function and grow. Without the pressure of the impact of walking, for instance, your bones would really struggle to renew themselves. It is in the renewal process that bone gets its strength from. There are certain types of physical exercise that bones prefer. Check out these great exercises here!

A Breath of Fresh Air!

There are some schools of thought that suggest breathing keeps you alive and well! But we are not talking about your everyday type breathing. Everyday type of breathing will keep you alive, just about, but not necessarily keep you fit and well. We are talking breathing for your bones. We take a closer look at how the way you breath and the type of air you breath has a profound effect on your bones.

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