Calcium and the milk myth in bone health

Calcium Milk Myth Bone Health

Is cow’s milk really good for your bones?

If I ask what food makes strong bones? 

Most people would answer cow’s milk. The association is so linked in people’s minds it’s hard to dissociate them from each other.

Why is that?

Why is the link between them so ingrained in us? 

We have been trained to associate drinking cows milk as being necessary for getting calcium to build strong bones.

Schools were even giving away free cows milk to children every day!

Why did they not give away free carrots as well?

Carrots have lots of vitamin A which is good for our eyesight we are told.

Which is just as important as our bone health! 

There is a huge ongoing international government and media campaign promoting milk. It has been going on since the end of world war 2 in the late 1940’s.

Stigmatisation of breast feeding

Adverts are aimed at new mothers to give their babies milk formulas made from cow’s milk rather than just simply breastfeeding!

Breastfeeding in public was at some point, somehow, actively stigmatised and frowned upon and mothers were subtly forced by social pressure to take themselves off out of public view to breastfeed their babies!

Whilst at the same time huge billboards promoting cow’s milk formulas for babies were being, and still are being, blatantly and publicly pushed into the human psychology as the normal, natural, and best type of milk to give babies.

Added milk in food products

Milk products are put in all types of foods. It is hard to find a chocolate bar that doesn’t have cows milk or its byproducts in it.

It’s in breads, cakes, crisps, and a lot of processed foods that don’t need it. We are taught from such an early age that to have strong bones we need to drink cows milk.

So as we grow up and become adults we maintain that programming and pass it on to the next generation.

We come to the point where we don’t even think about whether or not drinking cows milk is actually what we should be doing, especially as grown adults.

No other animal deliberately consumes milk when it reaches adulthood, unless, that is, humans give it to them!

Milk Myth Calcium Bones

A puppy or a kitten will stop feeding from its mother when it is time for it to eat solid food.

Even human mothers generally stop breastfeeding when the baby becomes a few years old and starts eating food.

So it’s like milk is produced by animals and humans just for the benefit of their babies until they are old enough and ready to eat food, wouldn’t you agree?

Yet we are taught that we must consume milk, another animals milk, even as adults in order to have strong bones! It really is illogical, and it is deliberately programmed into us that this is normal.

It is not.

Deprogramming the milk mind

Breaking away from this cows milk programming is crucial for bone health.

Luckily we live in the internet age where we have access to an abundance of information and support for improving our bone health. And deprogram our brains from all the indoctrination we grew up with regarding calcium sources and what is good for our bones.


It is not true that milk is good for our bodies.

There is substantial evidence that clearly shows milk is actually harmful to the body. Especially bone health. A lot of people find it difficult to accept this fact and continue to defend the myth that it is good to drink milk.

Emotionally attached to drinking milk

It’s like people become emotionally attached to drinking milk. A whole plethora of excuses and reasons are thrown around to support drinking cow’s milk and some people actually get extremely defensive of their milk drinking beliefs.

This is because we are taught these beliefs so early on, that this ‘knowledge’ becomes ingrained in us so deeply it is like it is part of us. And when it is challenged, we take it personally!

It’s almost as if we have this bond associated with cows milk that is like the bond between a mother and baby. Drinking milk thus becomes an intrinsically subconscious emotional nurturing experience.

Why are dairy products so hard to give up?

This attachment to milk is very easy to see in adults when they try to give up dairy products like cheese. People will actually feel cravings for cheese like someone who is trying to give up cigarettes!

In fact, there is a molecule in cheese, Casein, that creates an addictive behaviour to want more of it!

Dairy products are a huge part of a lot of people’s diets. Giving them up in order to improve one’s health is a big challenge for a lot of people.

A big part of this challenge is due to the programming and milk indoctrination previously mentioned.

We are taught that eating dairy products is good for our bones and prevents osteoporosis.

Well if this were true, why do cow’s milk drinkers get osteoporosis?

Surely you would only see osteoporosis occurring in people that didn’t drink milk or get enough calcium from other food sources. But this is so not the case.

In fact, the highest incidences of osteoporosis occur in countries with the highest consumption of milk products.

Osteoporosis occurs in people that have drunk milk all their life, every day, since they were babies. So clearly drinking milk does not prevent osteoporosis.

It could be argued in fact, that drinking milk regularly is a common denominator in people with bone problems!

You may not agree but that’s fine. The important thing is to keep an open mind and do your own research when learning about how to improve your bone health and reversing osteoporosis.


Since milk became an industry, there have been slogans that are designed to make people drink more milk. Slogans are widely used to sway people’s beliefs and behaviours.

Slogans such as “Got Milk?” or “Milk Life!” in the US and “Make Mine Milk” or “Whole Lotta Bottle!” in the UK combined with the “Milk Moustache” images all use paid actors and personalities to promote drinking milk. These promotions are multi million dollar campaigns.

Slogans are a great way to programme a population.

It’s not like the push to drink milk was or is in just one country either, it is world wide. Any one with an open mind would probably be asking themselves why is that?

Is there some kind of world wide agenda to make humans consume milk every single day for their whole life?

The Milk Conspiracy and Celebrities

Considering that it is so orchestrated internationally it does bring up the question of whether there is a conspiracy going on to get us to drink milk!

Here is a blatant tactic that is used to promote milk as good for you. The TV chef Gordon Ramsay was hired to promote the milk industry’s slogan “Make Mine Milk” and this is what he said:

“There is a lot of love for milk in this country, but people often assume that it’s only good for kids who need a bit of calcium. The truth is that milk, especially low-fat milk, is fantastically good for you.”

Now obviously we will never know if Ramsey was told to say such things because he was being paid a lot of money in the promotions or whether he actually thinks that.

But it is clear from a quick Google search that there is a list of willing stars and celebrities that get called up to indoctrinate the people into believing that drinking cow’s milk is good for you. 

celebrities got milk adsCelebrities making milk look cool…or not… from Google image search results

Using celebrities is a typical tactic of psychological manipulation of people’s minds and thoughts.

And because of the amount of research that shows that milk is not good for humans at all, these kinds of propaganda campaigns to indoctrinate millions of people are completely fraudulent as they are deliberately deceptive.

The two stages of indoctrination to make milk drinking necessary in peoples minds include:

First comes the conditioning and programming to drink milk.

That it is good for our bones.

The conditioning using popular movie stars and personalities via advertising campaigns helps give us that emotional attachment to milk drinking.

Then comes the concern about Osteoporosis and bone health and this adds to the emotional bonding by using fear to get us to drink milk otherwise we will get weak bones and break legs and hips and ruin our lives forever as we get older!

Enter Big Pharma

Plus, bringing ‘diseases’ into the picture opens up a new field of propaganda whereby the pharmaceutical industry can then enter the arena and promote their ‘cures’ and ‘treatments’ for osteoporosis.

So we end up going back and forth between the dairy ‘farm’ and ‘pharma’ industries when considering our bone health!

As an example, we can see a good business deal going on between the dairy ‘farm’ and the ‘pharma’ industry as they create a very profitable but highly unhealthy milky loop for people to jump through.

The milk industry is pushing people to drink milk, claiming that it is good for them while it is a known fact that milk contains a lot fat.

So now people start getting cholesterol problems and are told they need to take medication supplied by the pharmaceutical industry in order to control their cholesterol levels!

How absurd is that?

Milk contains fat, cholesterol, milk sugars and milk protein. We are generally aware of the problems associated with eating fat and excessive cholesterol.

But milk also has high levels of milk sugars which the majority of people in the world are adversely affected by. These milk sugars can’t be digested and cause the bodies immune system to kick into overdrive.

And when you drink milk you are also drinking milk proteins.

Milk proteins are a contributing factor to heart disease, inflammation, blood anaemia, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

So if the body is having to deal with these potential problems due to putting milk into its system, it will have to prioritise protecting the really important bodily organs like the heart, kidney and blood supply system.

The body will start to draw resources to do this from other less immediately vital systems. 

Like your bones.

Yes, it draws from the skeletal system because the bones hold crucial reserves of minerals that the body needs to combat certain conditions in time of need.

So if a person is drinking milk each day and the body is trying to combat the negative effects this milk causes is it any wonder that we are seeing a rise in cases of osteoporosis occurring?

Bones are being compromised in order for the body to protect vital organ functioning!

Giving up milk and dairy products is a crucial step in taking care of bone health.

Just like giving up smoking eliminates the bad effects of smoking on lung health, giving up milk eliminates many factors that contribute to osteoporosis.

This enables us to concentrate on improving our bone health and seeing if there are other reasons why osteoporosis develops.

There are other less understood threats to bone health that cause osteoporosis that can be hidden by constantly ingesting substances that are known to put bones in jeopardy.

Why not just eliminate the things that are known to create bone problems?

This way we give our bones a better environment to become strong again.


Is Bovine milk a health hazard?:

Adding milk to adolescent diet may not be best means of preventing osteoporosis

Colin Campbell, The China Study:, Health concerns about dairy: Avoid the dangers of dairy with a plant based diet.

Lanou AJ, Berkow SE, Barnard ND. Calcium, dairy products, and bone health in children and young adults: a reevaluation of the evidence.

Gordon Ramsey and Pixie Lott star in healthy milk campaign:

Promoting health benefits of dairy must be on Government’s agenda – MPs:—mps-10618


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